We have participated in design works of many ports and coastal structures in Estonia and Latvia. We offer alone or with cooperation with reliable partners coastal and structural design, project management, expertise and audits. 

The following works have been carried out by Rain Männikus as a coastal engineer for different companies.


  • Preliminary design of rubble mound breakwaters at Ruhnu, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid. Total length 200 m, max depth -4.0 m. Project manager and designer. Designed the breakwaters and layout.

  • Preliminary design of rubble mound breakwaters at Rohuküla, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid. Total length 600 m, max depth -5.0 m. Project manager and designer. Designed the breakwaters and layout.

  • Preliminary design of quays for a ferry and marina at Virtsu, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid. Total length 300 m, max depth -6.5 m. Project manager and designer. Designed reinforced concrete and SPC fenders, harbour layout.


2022 and 2021

  • Various design work projects in Virtsu, Roomassaare, Triigi, Kihnu and Ruhnu. Saarte Liinid required various design works – preliminary and detailed design for harbour structures at their ports.

  • Expertise of the Narva-Jõesuu breakwater, Estonia. Client: Estkonsult. Wave parameters were calculated and the structure of the breakwater was analysed.

  • Expertise on design of Sillamäe marina, Estonia. Client: Estkonsult. Total length of quays and breakwaters 700 m, max depth -4.5 m. Analysed port structures and breakwaters, gave recommendations.

  • Preliminary design of quays at Heltermaa, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid. Total length 400 m, max depth -6.5 m. Project manager and designer. Designed the quays, breakwaters and layout. 

  • Shore protection consultations near Liepaja, Latvia. Client: CHR Design Solutions. Total length 200 m.

  • Renovation works and detailed design of 1000 ton bollard at Muuga Port. Client: Port of Tallinn through Estkonsult. Project manager and designer. Designed reinforced concrete.


  • Working drawings Port Salmistu, Estonia. Client: Kaurits through Estkonsult. Designer. Quay length 60 m, breakwaters 200 m, max depth -4.0 m. Project manager and designer. Designed the quays, breakwaters, fenders and reinforced concrete.

  • Preliminary and detailed design of a quay and rock revetment at Roomassaare, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid through Estkonsult. Quay length 130 m, revetment 340 m, max depth -5.5 m. Project manager and designer. Managed two junior designers. Designed reinforced concrete and objects for the quay.

  • Detailed and preliminary design and working drawings for a car ramp (100 t) at Muuga, Estonia. Client: Port of Tallinn through Estkonsult. Project manager and designer. Managed two junior designers. Designed reinforced concrete and steel structures (including sheet piles).

  • Working drawings for a rotating bridge at City harbour, Tallinn, Estonia. Client: Port of Tallinn through Estkonsult. Designer. Designed piles (about 30 m) for colliding ships, fenders and steel structures.



  • Detailed design and working drawings of a rock revetment at Kalaranna, Tallinn, Estonia. Client: Kaurits through Estkonsult. Total length 300 m, max depth -5.5 m. Project manager and designer. Managed two junior designers. Designed reinforced concrete, sheet pile wall and revetment.

  • Load calculations and assessment of quays, Tallinn, Estonia. Client: Port of Tallinn through Estkonsult. Total length 600 m, max depth -13.0 m.


  • Working drawings of a rock revetment at Reidi tee, Tallinn, Estonia. Client: KMG Infra through Estkonsult. Total length 550 m, max depth -2.0 m. Project manager and designer. Managed two junior designers. Designed reinforced concrete and revetment.

  • Preliminary and detailed design of Käsmu marina, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of quays and breakwaters 500 m, max depth -6.0 m. Project manager and designer. Managed three junior designers. Designed reinforced concrete, fenders and rubble mound breakwaters.


  • Memorial of Estonian Victims of Communism. Preliminary and detailed design of concrete and steel structures. Client: Estonian state through Estkonsult. Project manager and designer. Managed two junior designers.

  • Preliminary and detailed design and technical drawings of Värati marina, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of quays and breakwaters 200 m, max depth -2.5 m. Project manager and designer. Designed reinforced concrete and rubble mound breakwaters.


  • Technical drawings of Haven Kakumäe, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of quays and breakwaters 900 m, max depth -4.5 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete, steel, fenders and rubble mound breakwaters.

  • Preliminary and detailed design and technical drawings of quays at BLRT port in Tallinn, Estonia. Client: BLRT through Estkonsult. Total length of quays 268 m, max depth -10 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete, fenders and sheet pile walls.



  • Technical drawings of Port of Hundipea, Tallinn, Estonia. Client: Estonian state through Estkonsult. Total length of quays and breakwaters 183 m, max depth -10 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete, steel, sheet pile walls, fenders and revetments of tetrapodes.

  • Preliminary and detailed design and technical drawings of Andineeme harbour, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of breakwaters 150 m, max depth -2.5 m. Project manager and designer. Designed reinforced concrete and rubble mound breakwaters.

  • Preliminary and detailed design and technical drawings of Port of Mõntu, Tallinn, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of quays 210 m, max depth -5.5 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete, steel, sheet pile walls and fenders.



  • Preliminary and detailed design and technical drawings of Port of Lehtma, Hiiumaa, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length of quays 400 m, max depth -5 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete and steel.

  • Preliminary and detailed design of a car ramp (40 t) at Rohuküla and Heltermaa, Estonia. Client: Saarte Liinid through Estkonsult. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete, piles, fenders and steel.

  • Preliminary and detailed design of a slipway with rails at Kallaste, Estonia. Private client through Estkonsult. Total length 116 m. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete and steel.

  • Detailed design and technical drawings of a railway bridge near Tartu (28 m length, one span, post-tensioned concrete), Estonia. Client: Estonian Railway. Designer. Designed reinforced concrete.


In addition: numerous consultancies, technical investigations and smaller projects in coastal and harbour engineering.